Tuesday, March 1, 2011


    In my previous post I mentioned HDR. To save future wondering about it when I post other pictures or mention it again. Here is a brief explanation written in a way that a drunken chimp would understand... So I don't bore you.
    Wikipedia describes it as:
In image processing, computer graphics, and photography, high-dynamic-range imaging (HDRI or just HDR) is a set of techniques that allow a greater dynamic range of luminance between the lightest and darkest areas of an image than current standard digital imaging techniques or photographic methods. This wide dynamic range allows HDR images to more accurately represent the range of intensity levels found in real scenes, ranging from direct sunlight to faint starlight.[1]
The two main sources of HDR imagery are computer renderings and merging of multiple photographs, the latter of which in turn are individually referred to as low-dynamic-range (LDR)[2] or standard-dynamic-range (SDR)[3] photographs.
Tone-mapping techniques, which reduce overall contrast to facilitate display of HDR images on devices with lower dynamic range, can be applied to produce images with preserved or exaggerated local contrast for artistic effect.

What does all of that mean?  In short, images presented to you in HDR pretty much give you robot eyes...Yay!

Well.... No Geordi, try again.

Getting warmer....

Okay, so maybe it is literally nothing like the above pictures. What can I say? I'd use almost any excuse to bring Star Trek into this.

Nice try Morbidly Obese Cat... The only person you are fooling is yourself.. And you aren't even a person. You are just an obese cat!

Here is what the initial 3 shots I took looked like straight out of the camera:
Then I process those 3 in Photomatix Pro (and adjust to my preferences)
Then I end up with this:

From this point there are 83,654 more options available as to what you can do with Photoshop and plug-ins... That was just a rough estimate.

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